
Task 5 – Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs

Please write the correct form of the words given in parentheses (comparison of adjectives and adverbs).

Comparing British Cities
Alice and John often discuss various British cities. Alice believes that London is
(rich) richer
than Manchester in terms of culture. John argues that Manchester is
(fast) faster
growing these days compared to Birmingham. While they both agree that Edinburgh is among the
(beautiful) most beautiful
cities in terms of beauty, they also think it is much
(calm) calmer
than Cardiff. Alice feels that living expenses in London are
(high) higher
than in any other UK city. John enjoys Bristol because it seems to be getting
(good) better
(vibrant) more vibrant
each year in terms of community activities. They also talk about the food scenes; Alice thinks that the restaurants in Leeds are
(significant) significantly
more creative than those in Glasgow. Meanwhile, John mentions that Oxford has some of the
(fine) finest
historic sites in the UK. Despite their differences, they conclude that every city they visit is unique in its way, and they always find something
(interest) interesting
wherever they go.