
Task 4 – Conjugation of Verbs

Please complete the text with the correct forms of the words given in parentheses (present and past tense).

A Day in the Life of a Student
Every morning, Tom
(wake, woke) wakes
up at 7 a.m. to get ready for school. He
(ate, eat) eats
his breakfast quickly because he doesn't want to miss the bus. Once he
(arrive, arrived) arrives
at school, he
(enjoy, enjoyed) enjoys
his favorite subject, which is mathematics. During lunch break, he usually
(sat, sit) sits
with his friends in the cafeteria. After school, he
(go, went) goes
to the library to complete his homework. He
(find, found) finds
it important to review his notes every day. In the evening, Tom sometimes
(play, played) plays
video games or watches a movie with his family before he
(go, went) goes
to bed.