
Task 3 – Conjugation of Verbs

Please complete the text with the correct forms of the words (present and future tense).

Digital Innovation Conference
The Digital Innovation Conference
(bring) brings
professionals from various fields every year. It
(serve) serves
as a platform for discussing new technological trends and solutions. This year, the conference
(provide) provides
participants with insights into how digital tools
(shape) will shape
businesses in the future. The keynote speaker, Dr. Amanda Clarke,
(emphasize) emphasized
that technology overall
(change) changes
our lives in unexpected ways. "In the next decade, technology
(expect) is expected
to evolve at a rapid pace, and we
(need) will need
to adapt quickly," she
(add) added
. Many attendees
(be) are
eager to learn more about the upcoming trends and how they
(become) can become
part of this ongoing digital transformation.