
Task 1 – Declension of Nouns and Adjectives

Please complete the text with the correct forms of words (declension of nouns and adjectives).

Education in the Modern World
In today's world, education is one of the most critical aspects of our lives. Many believe that having a proper
can significantly impact a person's future. It is not just about learning facts, but also about developing
skills. Students often participate in
activities that help them grow. These can range from art classes to scientific experiments. In many
, education systems focus on testing and memorization. However, there is a shift towards more
learning approaches. Interactive methods and hands-on experiences are becoming more popular in modern
. One significant change is the integration of
technology in classrooms. Digital tools and online resources have transformed traditional
methods. Teachers now encourage
thinking instead of rote learning. It is also crucial to understand the role of
in shaping a more inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students.