Task 4
Read the text. Then arrange the fragments of the text in the correct order.
Emily Dickinson
After her death in 1886, Dickinson’s family discovered her cache of nearly 1,800 poems, mostly unpublished and in an unorthodox style. They began the process of compiling and publishing her work posthumously.
Emily Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830, in Amherst, Massachusetts. She attended Mount Holyoke Female Seminary for a year before returning home. She lived much of her life in reclusive isolation.
In her lifetime, very few of Dickinson’s poems were published, and those that were had been altered to fit conventional poetic norms. Her unconventional style was largely unrecognized by her contemporaries.
Living a quiet life in the family home, Emily developed a keen interest in writing. By her late teens, this passion had evolved into a profound dedication to creating poetry.
Today, Emily Dickinson is regarded as one of America’s greatest poets. Her work is celebrated for its innovative use of form and syntax, securing her legacy in American literature.
Her poems often explored themes of death and immortality, influenced by her extensive readings and introspections. Emily’s discreet lifestyle allowed her to focus intensely on her writing.