
Task 4 – Conjugation of Verbs

Please complete the text with the correct forms of the words given in parentheses (present and past tense).

A Trip to the Countryside
Once upon a time, our family
(goes, gone) went
on a road trip to the countryside. It
(were, is) was
a sunny morning, and everyone
(was, is) were
excited to explore new places. We {3} our journey by packing our bags and making sure nothing was forgotten. As we
(drive, driven) drove
down the highway, the scenery
(were, is) was
breathtakingly beautiful with fields stretching for miles. At our first stop, we {6} a small town where we {7} at a cozy café. After enjoying the local specialties, we
(go, going) went
sightseeing and {9} some photos. By evening, we
(find, finding) found
a lovely spot by the river to set up a picnic. The day {11} with us sharing stories and enjoying the serene environment before we
(head, heading) headed
home. It {13} a day to remember, filled with laughter and joy.