
Task 3 – Conjugation of Verbs

Please complete the text with the correct forms of the words (present and future tense).

The World of Technology
The world of technology constantly
(introduce) introduces
new innovations that
(transforming) transform
the way we live and work. Every year, many tech companies and startups
(gathers) gather
to showcase their latest products and ideas at various exhibitions and conferences. These events
(serving) serve
as a platform for companies to
(finding) find
potential investors and clients. One significant conference taking place next month
(attracts) will attract
thousands of attendees from around the world. The organizers
(describing) describe
it as the biggest technology gathering of the year. Attendees
(have) will have
the opportunity to see demonstrations of the latest gadgets that
(entering) will enter
the market next year. Experts believe that these innovations
(enhancing) will enhance
our daily lives and
(addressing) address
potential challenges and opportunities.